What made a Company so Big!!

3 min readOct 20, 2020


Companies are emphasizing on machine language because using the Machine Language and Artificial Intelligence gave them on upper hand on other company which are not using ML( Machine Language) and AI( Artificial Intelligence). As ML we know it analyse on the history data and predict some certain outcome which can possibility be correct and may be wrong too but we all know it’s better than getting a directly deny from machine for the Outcome .The more data you give it to the machine to make model/Experience the better it works for the company. Data is the fuel for the next Generation. If you don’t believe, you will in some year.

Programming language you can use for AI and ML


Java is a popular general-purpose and high-level computer programming language. It’s a fast, secure, and transparent language that is supported by different frameworks and libraries


JavaScript is a high-level programming language used to enhance web pages and provide a user-friendly experience. JavaScript is supported by most web browsers, like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Opera.


How can we forget Python! It is a high level and multi-purpose programming language created in 1991 by Guido Van. Python has the simplest syntax to learn for a non-programmer, and thus is a good option for beginners.

This are language only I have used for ML but there are more than this but I don’t know about them nothing is limited in this world for information. The more you learn about thing, the more you get to know that there’s something more about this.So keep learning

Benefited by the ML /AI


Yeah you heard right .Ever imagined How you get the recommendation for the product that you want. Yeah you are thinking right that’s ML that analysed your history.

1Whatever you have done on the website of amazon all the details, product you have slide, Items add to Wishlist and many more thing help to give you the right Recommendation on their behalf so that customer have a good experience.In his 2017 letter to shareholders, CEO Jeff Bezos remarked on the ways that machine learning contributes to the Amazon.com experience “beneath the surface” by powering product and deal recommendations based on user preferences.

2Security programs like Macie and Glue that scan for sensitive data breaches and perform data cleansing,respectively .Detect patterns based on previous or known attacks, but instead focusing on identifying attackers who have already managed to enter the system and then preventing them from stealing information.The approach uses unsupervised learning algorithms that compete with each other to detect possible anomalous behavior

3Let’s Don’t forget Alexa, Prime Air, and Amazon Go, which all function through AI algorithms .Just for understanding let take the example of Amazon Go, From ready-to-eat food to grocery essentials, the entire store can be accessed with an account on Amazon and Amazon Go app that can be easily installed.It use the combination of artificial intelligence, computer vision and data pulled from multiple sensors that ensures customers have a hassle free experience.

Amazon uses Machine Language and Artificial Intelligence in many more task or say function. But I think this is much for right now and if we talk about who many companies uses and how they use ?? than its a never ending List of companies and their usage




Written by Deepak

RHEL8 | AWS | Ansible | Docker| K8s | Jenkins

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