Hello everyone,
This article is about the webinar that ,I attended on 8st March of 2021 on Industry Use Cases on Kubernetes with Demonstration with Speaker “Mr. Rushil Sharma” Customer Engineer Hybrid Cloud at Google,“Mr. Vijit Kuntal”Consultant, Infosys Belgium, “Mr. Neeraj Bhatt” Senior Technical Engineer — OPENSHIFT, RedHat.
What is Kubernetes aka K8s??
Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating computer application deployment, scaling, and management. It was originally designed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. For more detail follow this link
Now let me share what I learned in this small duration of time😀
- First, we talked about CVS
Its not the correct Image but you will get the idea. A centralized version control system works on a client-server model. There is a single, (centralized) master copy of the code base, and pieces of the code that are being worked on are typically locked, (or “checked out”) so that only one developer is allowed to work on that part of the code at any one time.
But It had many problem In it like
1. Renaming file is not supported in CVS.
2. CVS doesn’t have merge tracking.
3. CVS has only a very limited support for binary files (e.g. images).
4.Branches in CVS are overly complicated, and hard to deal with.
and many more then we came up with GIT
- GIT is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
It also offers much more tools than CVS. One of more important is “git bisect” that can be used to find a commit (revision) that introduced a bug. It is more capable of doing thing than CVS and also overcome all the drawbacks of CSV that it has.
- After that we talked for sometime on the need of different Environments in Production .We needed it because team work on parallel development ,on different features of their products and also it was needed for management purpose too.
- SCCs(Security Context Constrains)defines privilege and access control settings for a Pod or Container like:
- whether a pod can run privileged containers
- The capabilities that a container can request
- the use of host directories as volumes.
- the SELinux context of the container
- the container user ID
- The use of host namespaces and networking.
- The allocation of an FSGroup that owns the pod’s volumes.
- the configuration of allowable supplemental groups.
- Whether a container requires the use of a read only file system.
- The usage of volume types.
- The configuration of allowable seccomp profiles.
- Chaos Testing is testing processing which we test the performance of the Cluster where we creates the random failures in the production system to check the resilience of the cluster .For that in kubernetes we have similar tool one of them is Kraken to do Chaos Testing.
- Grafana is an opensource tool for visualization, monitoring(how much resources is utilize by which service) and analysis the machine.
- Jenkins integration is needed much for the automation and deployment.
That's all for Now👋
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