Use Networking concept to setup in such a way, you can ping google but not Facebook

3 min readJan 3, 2021


You must have heard of routing table . If not let me tell you its a table that is used to tell the packet where it can travel in a network. So before any packet is send ,the OS see that does it violate any rule or not. If yes don't make the packet for the IP ,if not packet are made.

So we will create routing table such a way that Facebook can’t be pinged.

For that we need to know the IP of Facebook and Google both


So to know the IP of Facebook you can use “nslookup” command or just directly ping the domain you will get the IP.

I'm able to ping Facebook

Both command show the same IP i.e.


Know let get IP of google

Able to ping google

Google IP :

Changes in Routing Table

1.route -n show all the rule of routing table

2.Deleting the Gateway Rule.

if you don’t know what's gateway let me tell you its the route through which your OS system connect to entire world

After deleting if you try pinging to google and Facebook you won’t be able to ping

3.Setting customize Rule

So we want google to be able to ping and not Facebook .So we will create rule of Google ,so that it knows where to go. So google IP is

route add -net netmask gw <your network gateway> <network card name>

So what this above rule tells your computer that any host on the network (– is accessible via the router

And now as there is no rule for the IP of Facebook i.e. in routing table your computer don’t know from which route it should sent those packet to..

Now ping the google and Facebook

You can see we are able to ping the google but not the Facebook, just using Networking concept.

Note: and network having netmask are same. Its the way of writing . /24 is the netmask

Grazie, for your precious time👋




Written by Deepak

RHEL8 | AWS | Ansible | Docker| K8s | Jenkins

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