Everyone think that a static partition cannot be increased but there's a trick to do it
So here I'm gonna use REDHAT operating system you can use any Linux as per your convince .
so I have attached a HDD named as /dev/xvdb
I'm gonna create a partition of 5GiB. To know how to make a partition in HDD attached you can follow this link
to use it now we have to format so that it make a FileSystem with help of mkfs command
I made ext4 filesystem you can use any and mounted it to static named directory
To check its mounted or not you can use df command. you will seeits mounted .
Here I made file mac.txt and wrote hello inside the file. Now remember the file name and the content inside.
we will unmount the partition using command
umount /dev/xvdb1
now we deleted the earlier partition and created a new partition of increased size 10GiB . Now if you know we cannot run the mkfs command because it will create a new inode table and we will lose our data and we could also not directly mount it to the directory because it needs a FileSystem. Now what we do??
we use e2fsck command to fix our inode table that will make our file available back again
e2fsck -f /dev/xvdb1
after this just mount to the directory and you will see your file is still there
you can see the file content is still there “hello”